History and Social Sciences
Professors Ashmore, Bonnie, Carter, Dowe, Lewis, Shannon, Shomade, and Thompson; Associate Professors Beaudette, DeNicola, Goss, Hardy, Leinweber, McGee, Ninkovic, Olson, and Romano; Assistant Professors Binney, Blake, Eghbalzad, Ham, and Ludwinski; Teaching Professor Riner and Assistant Teaching Professor Dixon.
The Division of History and Social Sciences offers students a wide scope of courses designed to enrich the liberal arts experience at Oxford College. We offer courses focusing on the study of behavior, society, and social relationships from a breadth of disciplines—African American studies; anthropology; epidemiology, economics; history; human health; linguistics; neuroscience and behavioral biology; political science; psychology; quantitative theory and methods; sociology; and women’s, gender and sexuality studies.