Roberto C. Goizueta Business School

Oxford College students who aspire to pursue the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program will declare their intent to matriculate in their last semester at Oxford. All applicants must complete the requirements for the Associates (AA) degree from Oxford to be eligible for matriculation to the BBA program. 

Matriculation to the BBA program is achieved by a criteria-based declaration. Students who successfully complete the BBA Pre-requisites, engage in diverse extracurricular involvement will be able to declare their intent to matriculate in the semester prior to enrolling in the BBA Program. The declaration deadline for Spring admission is in late September and the deadline for Fall admission is in early February. Exact deadlines will be posted to the pre-BBA information site at

The BBA program would like students to demonstrate their ability to effectively manage a full course load (at least four or five graded, 3–5 credit hour courses per semester). Therefore, it is imperative that students interested in the program not under load during their time at Oxford.

While students who meet the 3.3 GPA criteria will automatically be matriculated, students who fall below this benchmark will have opportunity for further consideration through the submission of supplemental materials alongside their intent to matriculate form. Admission to the BBA program is holistic. There is no minimum GPA cutoff requirement in order to be considered. In addition to reviewing grades, the Admissions Committee considers the types and number of classes a student has taken, the trend in their GPA, involvement on campus, and any extenuating circumstances that may have impacted these factors.

Students exploring the BBA program should contact the Assistant Director for Goizueta @ Oxford, to learn more about the program. Their office is conveniently located at the Oxford campus, where they will offer information sessions and on-campus advising. Oxford College students are encouraged to participate in these on-campus sessions to review their progress towards matriculation to the BBA program. Additional information regarding the BBA curriculum and admission are available on the pre-BBA information site at

Beore enrollment in the business school, Oxford students must complete the following:

  • ECON 101 – Microeconomics and ECON 112 – Macroeconomics (AP or IB credit can satisfy these requirements)
  • Statistics Competency- satisfied by QTM 100, QTM 110, Econ 220, AP Statistics credit or the BBA Statistics Bootcamp and waiver.
  • BUS 350- Data and Decision Analytics- Statistics competency must be achieved before taking this course.
  • ACT 200 – Accounting the Language of Business- Not required for matriculation but recommended in your first 4 semesters or prior to matriculating to the Business School.

Academic Tips

  • If a student has IB Higher Level Economics credit, this satisfies the entire Economics prerequisite for the BBA Program, even though Oxford grants credit for Micro only (i.e. students with IB Higher Level Econ credit do not need to take Macro).
  • The business school prefers students get a “C “grade instead of withdrawing from a course. They are seeking students who demonstrate resilience in the face of challenges, which includes working through difficult and unfamiliar coursework. Students considering withdrawing from a course are encouraged to contact BBA Admissions first to determine the potential impact.
  • Students should not repeat a course if they are disappointed with their grade. The Business School wants to see how students perform in response to new coursework, so the best course of action is to move forward to other coursework.
  • Balance your pre-requisite work across semesters, there is no urgency to take them all at one time.