Alumni Reunion

Alumni Events

Oxford alumni events help you stay connected with your classmates, while at the same time providing a chance to meet current students. Mark your calendar for these events.

Oxford Reunion Weekend - April 26, 2025


We hope you will join us for Oxford College Alumni Reunion Weekend to celebrate your reunion! It will be a time of getting together with your classmates and friends, reconnecting with your favorite faculty members, and learning about and seeing what's new on our amazing campus!

For any questions, please contact Necol Ronda 11Ox 13C, Reunion Chair, at 305.978.6173 or

Celebrating milestone reunions are Oxford classes:

70th ~ 195565th ~ 196060th ~ 196555th ~197045th ~ 1980
40th ~ 198535th ~ 199030th ~ 199525th ~ 200020th ~ 2005
15th ~ 201010th ~ 20155th ~ 2020
Golden Eagles (classes prior to 1973)

Note: The Oxford College Reunion Weekend is kid friendly. Children under 12 years old are welcome free-of-charge. $35 for young alumni celebrating 5 and 10 year reunions. $45 all other classes and guests. Cost includes dinner, beverages, a t-shirt, live music, games and activities!

Save The Date Reunions 2025

Golden Eagles

All alumni in the classes 1973 and prior are members of the Golden Eagles. The luncheon is at 11:00 AM followed by tours of campus.

$45 per person and includes lunch and an Oxford gift. The keynote speaker is Dr. Ken Carter 87Ox 89C,
Charles Howard Candler Professor of Psychology.

Oxford College Memorial Service

The Oxford College Memorial Service honors Oxford alumni and friends who have passed away since March 2024. Each year, we remember alumni and friends during Alumni Reunion Weekend. The Emory flag will fly at half-staff. The event will start at 2:00 p.m. on the Seney Hall Plaza.

Oxford 50th Reunion Weekend - May 9-10, 2025

The Oxford Classes of 1974 and 1975 will celebrate their Oxford 50th Reunion activities together May 9-10, 2025. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Tammy Camfield.

Save The Date 50 Reuions!

Stay Connected with Classmates

Are you missing the good old days and the friends you made during your time at Oxford College? Reconnecting with your alma mater and fellow alumni has never been easier. The Emory alumni directory helps alumni search for old friends, former classmates, and other alumni around the world. If you haven't already, find out how you can register for the Emory Online Community. A current email address is required. And while you're there, please remember to update your contact information so your friends can get in touch.

Join the Oxford College class Facebook groups

Giving in honor of your 50-Year Reunion

Your 50-year reunion is not only a chance to celebrate lifelong friendships, recognize the accomplishments of classmates, and commemorate an important milestone in your life with Emory, but also marks an occasion to give back to your alma mater and support current and future generations of talented Emory students. Our alumni take the lead in philanthropy, supporting amazing students, brilliant faculty, and incredible research and programs. We hope you will continue this tradition and consider making a celebratory gift in honor of your 50-year reunion to an area of Oxford personally meaningful to you.
