Economics exists at the intersection of science, math, and art. It’s the study of how—and why—individuals, organizations, and cultures use their resources. Economists analyze this behavior and can spot trends that help their organizations prepare for the future. At Emory, you’ll build a strong foundation in economic theory and gain experience, putting your knowledge into practice. Emory has the following concentration opportunities:
Economics is integral to such a broad spectrum of industry and life that many of the jobs you can get with the degree won’t actually have “economist” in the title. For example, you could be a market research analyst, benefits manager, actuary, credit analyst, policy analyst, lawyer, or management consultant—to name just a few options.
Recent Emory graduates work at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, EY, U.S. Department of State, Bain & Company, Bloomberg, Habitat for Humanity International, and the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN).
Examples of Classes at Oxford
Example of Major Classes
The Economics of Sports
Are players underpaid based on the revenue they generate? Is the NCAA acting as a cartel? Is hosting mega-sporting events good for cities? Should athletes cheat? Learn basic microeconomic skills by examining behavior decisions within the context of sports.
Health Economics
The economics of health care isn’t a comfortable conversation in this country, but it’s normal for many other nations. In this course, you’ll examine the health care market, looking at how competition among providers impacts cost, what happens with mergers, and how asymmetry between physicians and patients can incentivize quantity of care over quality.
The Economics of Food
The Oxford Organic Farm is both a source of healthy food and an outdoor classroom where you’ll learn how farmers interact with distributors and consumers and gain a deeper understanding of how prices, tariffs, and agricultural policy impact the market.
Study Abroad in Economics

Study at the London School of Economics
Dive into international economics at one of the world’s most esteemed universities. You’ll be in the heart of London’s centers of commerce near museums, restaurants, theaters, and transportation
I took a course in economics, expecting to hate it. Turned out, it was the perfect framework for understanding how the world works—from public policy, law, and finance, to eating another slice of pizza. I finally felt like I was studying something purposeful.