Discovery Seminars
In our Discovery Seminar for first-year students, you’ll learn how to find and use evidence to questions, analyze, interpret, and create new knowledge.
You'll enroll in this distinctive academic experience in the fall semester as the first step in Oxford's signature general education curriculum focused on discovery, exploration, and reflection. These three-credit courses allow you to work closely with fellow students in a seminar class led by a faculty mentor, who also will serve as your academic adviser during your two years at Oxford.
The Discovery Seminar will:
- introduce you to ways of knowing and producing knowledge within a discipline or field of study
- provide a close-knit learning community, with each seminar capped at 16 students
You'll rank your preferences of Discovery Seminar topics and be registered for one prior to your arrival on campus in January. We'll make every effort to place you in one of your top choices.
Below are the Discovery Seminars offered in Spring 2024. Click on the title for more information about the course and a link to more information about the faculty member teaching it.