Parents and Families
Welcome to Oxford College—we're so happy you’ve joined our community. We've gathered useful resources to help you engage with Oxford and offer support to your student as needed—whether you're just joining us or you're in your second year as part of the Oxford family.
For Parents of Newly Admitted Students
Parenting college students from a distance comes with both the rewards of seeing your teenagers continue their development into full adulthood and the challenges of trying to support them from a distance through their difficult times. Your role as a parent remains important, and you can play a significant role in helping them navigate through their transition to college.

Our students uncover knowledge in the classroom and in the real world through our signature academic programs. They’ll have access to career advisers, faculty advisers, academic deans, and the academic advising staff to guide them through their two years at Oxford.

We provide the resources, guidance, and expertise to help students thrive. Our students make this campus their own—a place where they learn, lead, explore, create, grow, and enjoy each other’s diverse point of view.

We understand the challenges that face students and families, and how confusing the financial aid process and paying for college expenses can be. And we’re here to help.

Health and Safety
Staying healthy is essential to an optimum college experience. Our campus resources help ensure your student’s safety and physical and mental well-being.

Oxford College is located on Emory’s original campus, 36 miles east of Atlanta. Usually, the best way to get a feel whether Oxford is a good fit for your student is to visit. As Oxford has shifted to remote learning and work in response to COVID-19, unfortunately campus visits are canceled for the foreseeable future. While we realize virtual tours aren’t the same as being here in person, we invite you to tour Oxford virtually until you can visit campus in person.

We're Here To Help
Whether you have questions about Oxford or Emory, we're only a call or e-mail away.