Sarah Higinbotham

With respect for the world’s great English writers and a passion for human rights, Assistant Professor of English Sarah Higinbotham approaches teaching with an eye on experiential learning. Her curiosity has inspired her to become a multi-published author and conference presenter on the violence of the law in early modern England, critical prison theory, and human rights in literature.
While earning a PhD in English, Higinbotham also taught college courses inside a Georgia State Prison. In 2014, she co-founded the nonprofit Common Good Atlanta that connects universities with prisons, work that is rooted in the belief that human dignity flourishes, and communities become stronger, when access to higher education is equitable. Common Good Atlanta offers accredited college courses in nine Georgia prisons, five days a week. During Oxford Launch: London, students will explore this intersection of literature and the law “by observing cases at the Old Bailey, exploring the Inns of Court, and seeing the remaining cells of the infamous Newgate prison.”