Liberal Arts at Oxford
Liberal arts is the study of subjects including science, languages, philosophy, literature, and math that teaches students to write, think critically, and solve problems. It is a foundation for you but also for humanity, preparing you to serve, lead, and—yes—change the world.
The first two years of an undergraduate education are an optimal time for intellectual discovery. Oxford College's liberal arts–intensive curriculum is designed to help you explore a variety of disciplines and find the major that is right for you.
Although our faculty are actively engaged in their own academic pursuits and research, their first obligation is to teaching. You'll have direct access to your professors. There are no teaching assistants in the classroom.
Through the distinct but related processes of discovery, exploration, and reflection, you'll be immersed in a curriculum that introduces you to ways of finding and producing knowledge. Through this robust inquiry, Oxford students become thoughtful, effective, and responsible leaders and agents of change.
Pathways of Academic Excellence
Oxford’s unique curriculum invites students to discover, explore, and reflect during their study here and prepares them well for what comes next in their education and in their lives.
Pathways to Personal and Preprofessional Growth
Through our signature academic and campus life programs, you'll develop a deep appreciation of the world around you and your role in it.