August 2017 Archive

Emory University | August 28, 2017
They come from as far away as Ghana and as close as Atlanta. They have performed at Carnegie Hall, founded nonprofits and graduated as valedictorian. Get to know the newest Emory Scholars, selected for their achievements and potential.

Emory University | August 28, 2017
From mathematicians, environmental scientists and chemists to scholars who study literature, ancient DNA, and health care disparities, new faculty members bring a wealth of expertise across a sweeping range of intellectual disciplines.

Emory University | August 25, 2017
Across Emory, fall semester courses bring both new insights and historical context to critical issues, tackling topics ranging from big data to big questions like what it means to be human and where human rights come from.

Oxford College | August 24, 2017
Oxford has big plans for the new academic year as we welcome new and returning students, and faculty and staff to campus.

Emory University | August 23, 2017
The nine schools that make up Emory University have big plans for the 2017-18 academic year. Get the stats on their incoming classes, plus a roundup of what's noteworthy, from new degree programs to new leaders.

Emory University | August 23, 2017
Emory's Class of 2021 arrives this week from across the nation and the world. Along with impressive grades, test scores and artistic and athletic endeavors, they bring diverse stories of their academic journeys.

Emory University | August 22, 2017
Emory's 2017-18 academic year got off to a unique start Monday as students, faculty and staff gathered on the university's Atlanta and Oxford campuses to watch the first partial solar eclipse to grace the area in decades.

Oxford College | August 18, 2017
For the 485 first-year students arriving at Oxford to begin the 2017-18 academic year, New Student Orientation is a five-day adventure that prepares them for Oxford and the college experience in general.

Emory University | August 17, 2017
Working this summer in companies around the world, students come together through a linguistics course to analyze and compare their experiences -- a model of how Emory constructs online classes.

Emory University | August 16, 2017
As first-year students move into residence halls this weekend, they will be greeted by hundreds of staff and fellow students who devote thousands of hours to help them feel at home on Emory's Atlanta and Oxford campuses.