December 2017 Archive

Oxford College | December 20, 2017
As 2017 comes to a close, Oxford celebrates the high points of a year with record admissions and student achievement numbers. Dean Douglas Hicks finished his first calendar year on our historic campus with outstanding faculty and staff. Get a glimpse of Oxford life as we reflect on this past year.

Emory University | December 20, 2017
Every day, Emory photographers can be found from the classroom to the operating room, documenting the university's mission "to create, preserve, teach and apply knowledge in the service of humanity." View 12 of their best photos of the year.

Oxford College | December 6, 2017
Healthy Eagles organize events to help fellow students destress and practice self-care.

Oxford College | December 14, 2017
Two Oxford faculty members have joined the ranks of Emory University faculty with named professorships.