May 2020 Archive

The New York Times | May 12, 2020
Zach Binney, epidemiologist and incoming fall 2020 assistant professor of quantitative theory and methods, is quoted in a New York Times article. Binney also appeared on an issue of the podcast The Full 48 with Howard Beck of Bleacher Report to discuss the return of professional sporting events and specifically the NBA games.

Emory University | May 20, 2020
Staying focused on academics amidst the COVID-19 pandemic brought lessons during class times and beyond. As Emory moves into remote learning for summer courses, faculty and students reflect on what they learned this spring.

Emory University | May 8, 2020
At Oxford, Jordan Hasty embraced the community that reminded him of home yet offered opportunities to grow in new directions with kindred spirits, including apprenticing at the organic farm and supporting other students from first-gen or low-income families.

Emory University | May 7, 2020
Although Michelle Mugo had not envisioned completing her senior year from home, her takeaways include lessons in adapting to change that will help carry her through life. History professor Clifton Crais believes the pandemic can help us become better teachers, students and citizens.

Oxford College | May 7, 2020
At the end of each academic year, Oxford recognizes the outstanding academic achievement and extraordinary leadership accomplishments of our students. Despite its challenges, this year is no different.

Oxford College | May 6, 2020
As Oxford's and Emory’s May Commencement ceremonies near, learn how you can join in the celebrations. Share memories and messages, read about outstanding graduates, and meet students and faculty receiving awards and honors.

Emory University | May 6, 2020
The undergraduate recipient of Emory’s highest student honor, filmmaker Samah Meghjee has been a creative, consistent voice for improving student mental health and supporting diverse communities.